Friday, October 14, 2011

Brooklyn's 1st Birthday!

Wow! I can't believe it's been a whole YEAR! Brooklyn is walking all over the place now! She loves it! In mid walk she will just burst out laughing! Ha! She gets a kick out of it! 

She had a great time at her birthday party, despite missing her nap! Surprisingly! (I think the cake helped! lol) 
Brooklyn's cakes my sister made for her!


Sooooooo over tired! haha

Natalie enjoying Brooklyn's new toys! lol

Next weekend is Natalie's birthday! Man! :)


  1. (Elly posting under Tim's google account)
    How precious! And how fun!!! Happy birthday Brooklyn :o) Those pictures are SO cute Katie, and I love how y'all were clever about not soiling a top - and then pics of washing her in the sink LOL!! SO smart :o) She is just a doll. Thanks for sharing! :o)

  2. That was a great time! She really enjoyed that cake. It's like she knew just what to do with it.
    And Natalie was sooo helpful opening up her sister's gifts. Too sweet!!!
