Thursday, July 28, 2011

New workout routine

So, now that we moved in next to my in-laws I have a work out partner! My sister-in-law, Katie. We started running everyday... well the last 3 days. But it is going great! I am changing my eating habits completely and I hope I can loose a little of my extra "baby" weight that I still haven't been able to loose... Well, can I pretend it's "baby weight"?? Not that I have been trying to loose weight...We have a really bad fast food/eating out habit that is ending for me! So, we are going to do mornings Mon-Fri running with Mon/Thurs: Arms and Abs and Tue/Fri: Squats and lower body, then Wed: Double our run. And I may do night runs also since Katie is just trying to get toned and doesn't need to loose any weight, but I do. I did an extra one tonight and man! it felt good!

I am excited! I am ordering a food dehydrator this week. I have been doing a lot of research on some and have decided on a Nesco 700 watt FD-75PR. Looks like the best one for the price! If you have any other suggestions please let me know. Or any recipes that you love, I would appreciate those also! I hope this will encourage me to snack right and keep me on the right track! Well, wish me luck! I will check my measurements/weight and may or may not post them... :)  (Thanks for the encouragement, Whitney!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feather Headbands!

So, They arrived!! I ordered a shipment of feathers to make those super cute feather headbands that all the celebrities have been wearing. 

I am going to be selling them in my Etsy shop. They will all be listed later today! Here is a sneak preview! 

Go check them out! :)  

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Garage Sale

It's been a busy weekend! It's funny my enthusiasm from this weekend has gone in opposite directions. 

Thursday morning I was so excited about having our garage sale all weekend. It rained off and on most of the day. Thankfully my amazing husband, sister-in-law Katie, a friend and my mom all were there hanging out and we were able to get plastic over everything... just when the rain stopped. (Why does it always happen that way?!). So, off the plastic goes... and it starts raining again! I think that happened about 4 or so times... It frustrated me a little, but didn't damper my enthusiasm, since people were still flowing in and just hanging out in the garage until the rain passed! Surprisingly, Thursday was the day for people "garage sale-ing" 

Friday- Perfect day to have a garage sale! Beautiful weather! Not to hot, not too cold(as in rolled up jeans and a tee kinda day- My favorite!)  We had sooo much stuff to sell! We were makin' a lot of money, but there still seemed to be A LOT left to sell...? Starting to think about maybe extending the garage sale? Maybe. By the end of the day I was exhausted! Here's a pic of me and my beautiful sister-in-law bright and early on Friday!

Today- Was hot! Nice, but hot! Getting ancy(so I looked ancy up and it doesn't mean what I thought it meant? Oh well, I hope you get it!)  that we were not going to sell it all... The day was long. We were hot, tired and a little sun burned! We didn't sell everything we wanted, so we decided to try it one more day... Oh boy! I am so exhausted! Tomorrow will be the last day... I hope.

Why do garage sale people come in "waves"???
If you have ever had a garage sale you know exactly what I am talking about!
One minute you have so many people that they are tripping over each other then the next, it's like an empty desert...
 ... A few minutes later you have a TON of people again...
Do they all talk to each other and let them know what minute and second they will be there? Is it when the traffic lights turn green? lol. -Ideas Katie and I came up with... Not the most brilliant, but we were hot and tired!
What do you think? :)

Well, maybe I will take some more pictures tomorrow to encourage me to get through the day! ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Big Move!

The move has been going great! We got the trailer on Saturday early afternoon and decided to staying in it that night! So, we went and got some things for the night and next day and moved in! Finally! 

I was nervous about how the girls were gonna sleep in the same room and in this new place, so we had Brooklyn stay at the in-laws to make sure she wasn’t kept up all night if Natalie cried all night. 

We prepared for the worst… Ryan went back to the duplex to sell a bed witch worked out great. Natalie missed her nap 2 days in a row- witch worked out even better- she was really sleepy! I had to stay with her for a couple mins then tried to leave and she whimpered, so I went back in and sat with her for a couple more mins, did that about 3 times and then went out once and didn’t have to come back in! Yay! 

We decided to try out the queen bed that was in the trailer for the night as see how we liked it… we have problems with beds for some reason. And were nervous since after months of searching for returning and changing beds, we finally found a king bed that worked for us. Now, going back to a queen was not the most exciting thing in the world for us. Don’t get me wrong- we do love each other, but we love our space for sleeping. Lol. It was awful! It was so firm if felt like we were sleeping on rocks… my hips and elbows and knees (knees? I know!) were being dug into with every movement and stillness! Not much sleep at all for us! 6:30 am finally rolled around and I hear Natalie crying so I ran in and comforted her and then said from my bed 2 more times in the next 2 hours that it was ok and mommy and daddy were still here. 
That was our first night! :)

The shower system… was better then I thought! Other then the fact that I just have to take a quick shower the only thing was the pressure wasn’t very strong. Good thing I just chopped off my hair, or I probably wouldn’t be so pleasantly surprised! Brooklyn liked to watch me do my makeup. :)

We got back our old pillow top queen bed yesterday and last nights sleep was MUCH better! So refreshed today! Natalie went to sleep with no fuss until, I think, she fell off the bed… lol :"( poor thing. We heard her kinda screaming crying at like 3 in the morning and I ran in to see what was wrong and she was sitting on the floor… We didn’t hear a thump, so I think she may have had her legs go and then the rest after…? Who knows… I put her back in quickly and I think she was still in shock and not woken up fully, because she went right back to sleep. Lol. I woke up a few times from about 8-9am and saw Natalie on the monitor playing with her bears, but being quiet. We all got up about 9:30am since we were so exhausted from the day before! All in all, a great night!

I went shopping for a few thing last night, so we were able to have our first breakfast in our home today! 

We are learning to conserve, condense and keep tidy already! :) I am sure we will learn new strategies as we go along... and I will be sure to share them all with you!
That's it (Long, I know!) for our first couple days! Here are 2 pictures from the day/night before we moved.
Natalie watching a movie on our "last night"

This picture I thought was hilarious! As we were packing I found this note that Ryan wrote:

Much more on our exciting adventure to come! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Well, It's been busy around these parts! We are moving tomorrow morning! Our house is a whirlwind now. Haha! I have been posting so much stuff on my good friend Craig's List. So we've been busy with people coming to pick up things. Natalie keeps saying "Where'd chair go?!" "Where'd dresser go?!" "I want chair back!" "No! I want dresser!" Poor girl! :( She's excited to move though! She runs around and says "MOVING! TRAILER!"

Getting down to the wire now! We are soo excited! Can't wait to just finish selling everything! We really can't take much with us, so we are have downsized a lot! I love it! I know, I'm weird! I love getting rid of stuff and starting fresh! I love cleaning out things I don't use! I am definitely NOT a hoarder! :) 

So I think I should be taking advantage of this time that both girls are asleep and there is still MUCH to do around here! So I will leave you with a few pictures from the other day out in the yard!

My sister and her husband just got some mini terriers that are a lot of fun! Natalie loves them! She said last night that she wanted a dog now... a pink one! (definitely takes after me!)

Well, that is all for now. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Red, White and Blue... Tutus!

Yesterday was the 4th of July! It was a fun filled day! Let me tell you about it!

Around 11am when I had just gotten out of the shower my mom called and wanted to know if we all wanted to go to the 4th of July parade in Eatonville (where I was born and where my mom grew up). It takes about 45 mins to get there from our house and it started at 12 and they wanted to leave in 10 mins.... Um... Okay! So we rushed to get the girls up, and put them in their awesome red, white and blue tutus I made and adorable matching shirts the my friend got them. I did my hair and took my make up to go. We didn't end up leaving until like 11:40 or something... oops. We ended up in Eatonville around 12:20 ish and caught the last 15-20 mins of the parade. The girls enjoyed it! Brooklyn just stared and Natalie plugged her ears when the big trucks went by and honked, but I think she liked it. Natalie wasn't so sure about all the people passing out candy to her... lol. Good girl! ;) My grandparents still live in Eatonville so we got to stop by their house and see them and my uncle and aunt and some cousins. Which is where we took this great picture with Mt. Rainier in the background!

Natalie (2yrs. 9 mos.), Ryan, me and Brooklyn (9 mos.)

Then we headed home off to some more bbqs and friends houses! We took a quick stop at a house my dad has listed on a beautiful lake and dreamed for a few mins... then woke up. Back to reality and on the road again...
Natalie all smiles

And my view of Brooklyn playing with her feet...

Got home, changed a diaper and headed off  to our friends house for a bbq! Oh ya, not before Natalie peed her shorts and we had to take her outside and hose her off... lol. It was almost 80 degrees out, so she enjoyed it! Grilled some steak, burgers and some smoked salmon(I don't like sea food, but this is really fresh, smoked and marinated, and I actually kinda liked it!) Lit off some little fireworks that Natalie liked for a few mins...

Then said "All done, fireworks!" and plugged her ears. :) Then, we headed home. Ryan had get up for work at 4 this morning. So no late night for us! :)
All in all, it was a fun, full day! I was a happy girl! And am very blessed to have such an amazing family and friends! I hope your 4th was just as great as mine and you all stayed safe! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Land of the free, because of the Brave!

Yesterday, I finished making the girls' 4th of July tutus! They were sooo easy to do! I had fun doing them and can't wait to make more! All I needed was tulle, ribbon, scissors and something to measure the tulle on.

Measure you little ones waist with ribbon and add like 10"- 20" for you to tie a bow at both ends. Mark where her measurements end and then you just tie slip knots with the tulle on the ribbon all the way around until you fill up between your markings! To measure your tulle just figure out how long you want the tutu to be then double it. Fold it in half and tie the slip knot around the ribbon. Or I read that you can just tie a double knot onto the ribbon.

Simple as that!

I will post pictures of the girls tomorrow in their adorable tutus! (If I didn't explain it well enough, please leave me a comment and I will do my best to explain it in better detail for you!)

Happy 4th of July! And please be safe! Thank someone you know who is serving in our military and tell them how much you appreciate what they do, so you can live how you do! :)