Sunday, January 22, 2012

6 months!

January 16th was our 6 months in out trailer. I can't believe it has gone by sooo fast! It has been going really well. We have found out how much room we really don't need. The Lord is blessing us in soo many ways.

I am no longer working, because Ryan and I both feel that the home is where I should be. Taking care of the house and the girls. 

I began going to a young married women's Bible study every other Saturday morning and have really been enjoying it! We are going through the book "Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God" by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock. It has been such a blessing to begin to get to know a couple of the women in our church, and learn how to serve the Lord in my home and with my character. I can't wait to continue the study and get to know these women and the Lord better!

Our girls are growing up so fast! I am really enjoying the phases they are in! I have been dying to have another baby for a little while now, but Ryan says not now! :( lol. So, I am asking the Lord for patients and to keep me content in our situation... or for a "oopsy baby" haha. jk (kinna) It has been a fun ride so far and I continue to praise the Lord for the beautiful gifts He gave us! 

Our healthy eating habits have been not so good... :( I am staying away from processed and artificial things much, much more! And drinking a lot more water too, but haven't been eating the best other wise... My 2012 resolution is to be 50% raw by the end of the year! We will see what happens. I am going natural in my toiletries products too! Making my own deodorant (which I need to try another recipe), and using natural toothpaste, shampoo, soap, lotion and you all know my amazing Chocolate Orange Chapstick , which I am obsessed with! I will be posting recipes for you as I try them out! 

I haven't been able to try many new creations this last month because of Christmas, New Years and our "Ice Storm" (Our state was declared "in a state of emergency". We were snowed in and without power for a couple days!). Ryan's grandpa, grandma, grandma and great grandma(103 years old) were all here over Christmas and grandma and great grandma are here until February when his brother will also be here. Ryan's poor mom has been non stop! I am sure she can't wait for everything to die down and be back to normal!

My computer screen won't turn on again. :( So I don't have any pictures to post today. I am going to give it to my father-in-law and see if it will magically turn on again like it did last time he touched it! (Fingers crossed). 

So, until next time! :)