Saturday, September 29, 2012

IT'S A.......

Waiting for the results was torture!! 
We had the ultrasound tech write down what it was and close it up.
I took it to my friend Brittany to make us a cake.

The cake turned out perfect!!
When they walked in with the cake, I felt the nervousness go throughout my whole body!
This was FINALLY it!!!

 Then the time came...

Sooo nervous!


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!! 
I was SURE the cake was going to be pink inside!

Now what am I going to do?!?! :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Big News!

Ah! Hello again! 
Been wanting to write for a while now. Finally doing it! 

I have big news to share! 

The Lord has blessed us with another child! 
I am 19 weeks pregnant with our 3rd! Yay!! :)
This one was definitely a surprise, but one we are most welcoming to! 
We are going to find out what it is. Next Friday. 
I honestly don't have a preference for a boy or girl. 
I have decided that if it was only me that was important, I think I would want another girl, but it isn't. 
So that makes me seriously undecided. 
I am petrified to have a boy! For real! 
What do you do with one....??
I am a pro with girls. Not boys.
Although Ryan is a little outnumbered! Haha.
Too much estrogen around here.
(Poor guy when the girls are teenagers!! He's in for it!)
He definitely need a boy!
God knows what is best for our family!

We are doing a gender revealing party after the ultrasound. 
We are going to have the ultrasound tech write down what it is and then seal it in an envelope. 
(We won't know still!)
I am going to drop it off with a friend who is going to make us a cake. 
The inside will be either pink or blue.
At my sister and dad's birthday party that night we are going to cut the cake and find out what it is! 
Oh boy! 

On another note.
Trailer life is going well. 
Used to it now for sure. 
Dream of our property all the time, but have to wait.
We have decided to get some credit (Ryan had none).
And that we are going to have to take out a loan for most of it. 
Not our original goal, but realized that it is what we are going to have to do.
Especially now with our 3rd on the way.
I had a dream last night that we found 50 acres of land and a beautiful house on it... 
for $40,000!!!! Hahaha! If only!
Wouldn't that be nice!?

The girls are growing up like crazy!
Getting to be soooo much fun! 
They play together so well.
We love to watch them interact with each other!
Natalie is such a big sister to Brooke! 
Always making sure she doesn't get out of line.
Then again.
What are big sisters for?! :)
They love to talk to the baby in my belly and give it kisses. 
Melts mamas heart!

I will end with some pictures. :)
Bath Time:

I love to see Ryan interact with the girls! 
He loves them so much!
Here are a few of him with Brooke:

 The girls fell asleep like this on the couch:

 Daddy and Natalie:

Will write again soon! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Healthy Chocolate

Um, all I can say is this is so easy and amazing! 
And without further ado...

Healthy Chocolate
(I don't remember where I got this recipe... I thought I bookmarked it. Sorry)
1 Tablespoon of Coconut oil
1 1/2 Tablespoons Agave Nectar
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla

Melt Coconut oil
(This is my second batch it was so good... I times the recipe by like 4!)

Then stir in the rest of the ingredients... and put it in a container with saran wrap and put it in the freezer!

It turned out like the consistency of  fudge. But I guess if you lessen the Agave Nectar it will be harder. 
Next time I will try honey in place of the nectar. 

You're welcome! :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Update and some healthy yummy treats

Ahh! Hello! I can't believe it is already May! Dang, this year has flown by! There have been so many changes going on in our life this last year! 
First off, and most importantly, my relationship with the Lord has grown so much! It has been amazing seeing what the Lord is doing in my life and the life of my husband! The Bible study I am doing with some women from our church has been such a blessing! God has been teaching me the duties of a woman, wife and mother. I am learning how to submit to my husband and take care of the needs of my children and my home! I am more confidant then ever about my place in the home with my children! 
We have been going through Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God. It is on the Proverbs 31 woman. I would recommend it to you for yourself just to read or in a Bible study of woman to go through! Love it! We are on our last chapter this 2 weeks. 
My relationship with my husband is growing deeper with both of us desiring to serve the Lord with all our hearts and might! He has been teaching me a lot about our God and King! I love him more and more everyday! 
Third, Our eating habits are so totally different it is awesome! We now drink raw milk from a local farm, use free range eggs, grass fed meat, no preservatives or added ingredients as much as possible and we joined a CSA for organic, local produce that starts for the summer season in a month! I have gone through our cabinets and fridge and gotten rid of any and everything with added ingredients in it... Well, I couldn't bare to waste it all, so I tried to eat a lot of it so it wasn't going to waste. But either way, it's gone! And gone for good! :) I home make any treats we want to eat from the store or just can't part with... like my husband and Homemade cheese crackers or cheese its. Obviously, I substituted the flour with fresh ground whole wheat flour. Or the other day we made these amazing churros! Same thing with subbing, but I did use sugar, organic. And deep fried them in peanut oil. Next time I will do them in my deep fryer. It was really hard to keep the temperature right in a pan! Here are the pictures of mine:

We devoured them! 
There would have been more, but Ryan and I couldn't keep our hands out of them while we were making them! :)
Basically, we are still eating most everything we used to eat, just the healthy version of it! Which has been nice because we don't feel deprived! I still bake. I just use healthy substitutes and use honey or Stevia for my sugar. 
Stay tuned for healthy chocolate that you SHOULD be eating every day! :) I know, there is no such thing... YES there is!! :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Easter Pictures(better late then never)

A little late in posting pictures form Easter... oops. Oh well. 
Here they are:

(Just figuring out what was in the eggs!)

Natalie with Aunt Amy

Brooklyn with papa Joe

Looking at a ladybug 

Our Family


Me and my man!

My sister and I

Ahh it was a beautiful day! 

And I will leave you with a "verse for the day"
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."
Philippians 3:20

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Baked Oatmeal with Strawberries, Banana and Chocolate!

We went on a trip to see some friends from church that live about an hour and a half away. It was a nice quiet ride there since Brooklyn slept most of the way and Natalie just played with her "monkey sock" I made them. (tutorial coming soon)

It worked out perfect for timing with sleeping. On the way there she got half her afternoon nap and on the way home she got the other half! 

Baked Oatmeal with Strawberries, Banana and Chocolate

So, the other morning I made this wonderful Baked Oatmeal! 
It put together really quick and came out soooo  yummy!! 
I will make this again for sure!  

Here is the recipe. 

Ahh! I love Pinterest!  

Friday, March 23, 2012

Almond Butter and Almond Milk

Hello again! 
I love homemaking things! I have been trying out so many new recipes lately and it has been a lot of fun! I feel so much better about what my family is eating! 
I was buying the "decent" peanut/almond butters anyways, but it is fun to make your own, and you can make sure your almonds are raw and organic! 
Almond butter is sooo easy! 

All you do is put some almonds in your food processor... 

Turn in on and let it go! 

Scrape the sides down every couple minutes...

and about 15 minutes later... you have almond butter! 

Turned out great!

So, my girls are "milkaholics" 
They were drinking soo much milk every day it was getting ridiculous! 
Then I found out how not good for you it was!
Raw milk from grass fed cows is great for you, but the milk we buy in regular grocery stores has nothing beneficial in it anymore.
 So I started buying Almond Milk for them. 
I also made them drink water mostly too. 
I don't know if it is cheaper to make your own almond milk or not. 
I haven't calculated it out yet. I will. 
But this is so easy to make, I thought I would try it also.

 Soak your almonds for 8-12 hours.
(this is 3 cups raw almonds soaked) 

Put in blender with (1.5 cups almonds to 4 cups water) water.

And blend...

Then pour through a strainer and cheesecloth... (All my water couldn't fit in the blender, so I just poured the extra water through the cheesecloth with the almond left from the first straining)

Then squeeze out all the excess water from the almonds...

And put you "Almond meal" either in a bowl to use in baking, or in the trash.

Finish blending and straining all your almonds and water into your bowl

Add 1/2 tsp vanilla (4 cups water) and sweetener if you desire.
I haven't sweetened mine yet, but you can add Stevia, rice syrup, honey or any other reasonably healthy sweetener, to taste (when I do try a sweetener- I think I am going to try my Vanilla Cream Stevia drops I just got).

Then put in to your container(s)

refrigerate, and enjoy! 

3 cups almonds, 8 cups water and 1 tsp vanilla extract
 Made almost 70 oz, about 9 cups.

You will need to shake it up before you use it.
My family LOVES it! 

Have fun making your own butter and milk and rest easy know exactly what is in your food!