Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Making my first baby food!

Today I made baby food for the first time! Katie's garden had a ton of squash and she said I could have them! So I got some sweet potatoes from the store and a yam too! There were 10 squash! A LOT of chopping up! But fun! I boiled most of them to dehydrate and then some to mix with sweet potatoes for the baby food. It turned out great! 

Sooo much squash!
 (And the sneaky hands that wanted to sneak them and eat them!)

Tonight for dinner we had this cashew, carrot and ginger soup with chicken in it and it was sooo good! 
So, I added it to the baby food! 
It tastes like not very spicy Indian food! 

Pretty proud of myself! 
I wanted to make my own food for Natalie when she was eating out of jars, but she outgrew that stage so quickly I never did. Then, I assumed the same would happen with Brooklyn, bus she is still eating them! lol. 
So, here I am! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

New lifestyle

Ryan and I are tired of our eating habits! They have been getting pretty bad. 
We decided to change them and in a big way! I have been thinking about this for a little while now, and saying I am going to do it! In the past either Ryan or I get on a health kick and then the other isn't into it and it makes it really hard. Ryan brought it up this time and that was what I needed! So, we are going to be eating as natural and as healthy as we can! I decided to add some super foods supplements into our daily habits to get us going in the right direction. I added 3 today:
Bee Pollen, Maca Root, and Cacao :) Plus, Omega 3's(and 6's and 9's) & Vitamin B12

I went grocery shopping today and am excited about our new eating habits! 
It's going to take some getting used to, but we can do it! 
Ready, Set, GO!

On a side note. Getting babies up out of the crib is so much fun when you walk in to this:


Saturday night I made Pumpkin Rice Crispy Treats! Mmmm, Mmmm, MMMM!
Just add a few shakes of Pumpkin Pie Spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves) to your marshmallows and it brings your regular treats to Fall treats! :)


What's your favorite supplements or super food? 
Or if you have any favorite healthy recipes, I'd love to try them out too!
Let me know!