Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Growing up!

Well, today our little (littlest) girl WALKED!! 
Not like just a few steps... she has been taking 1-2 steps lately... 
No, today she took 13 STEPS!! 
All by herself!! 
No coaxing, nothing! 
Thankfully, I had my phone camera videoing the girls dancing and such to Veggie Tales Sing Along and caught it on video!! YAY!! 
We have been waiting for this day!! 
Natalie walked at 10 1/2 months, so I kinda figured Brooklyn would walk early to... 
she waited until 11 2/3 months! Lol :)
 My baby girl is growing up!! 
In 10 days it will be her FIRST birthday!! 

Well, just thought I would share my great news!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



It has been a while since I last blogged.
Working has been alot of fun, but kinda hecktic.
I love working again, and I love where I work.
I am by myself alot at work while it is the "slow season", which is nice.
Alone time.
I am working part time hours, but 5 days a week.
Kinna hard.
I close most nights.
At least I still get to see Ryan.
Our schedules work out perfectly.
He is working for the school district driving busses for now and so he has a morning route, then gets to come home from like 9-1 before he goes back for the afternoon route.
So we actually get to see eachother every morning!
Otherwise we would have opposite schedules.
We knew that going into it.
But that worked for us with watching the kids.
I miss being a stay-at-home mommy.
I haven't done any dehydrating since I started working... well once, when I was like "Ahhh! I need to dehydrate SOMEthing!" lol.
Apples. :)
It is nice feeling like I am helping out with our savings, but hard being away soo much from the girls and my husband.
Being used to being home all day everyday, to working 5 nights a week...
I am kinna up and down about it.
I love going to work, but I miss staying at home! :(
It's only been 2 weeks, maybe I will get used to it?